Stand Hunting

San Angelo Weather

J's Wild Game Processing
May 17, 2011   10:29 AM
by Administrator

Stand Hunting is one of the most used methods of hunting in this area.  Texas is legal for the use of food plots and feeders to attract wild game.  While there is a general misunderstanding of the use of stands with non-hunters, most hunters have come to realize that using this method does not guarantee a shot at a trophy buck.  The use of feed is primarily to entice does and younger animals to the feeding area with the hopes that a trophy animal will relax enough to venture closer.  Trophy animals not only become bigger trophies with age, they also become quite elusive and wise to human ploys.  Stand hunting is also a wonderful method to sit and view a good many game.  Stand hunting has proven very successful with us and we have several seasoned hunters that prefer this method to any.  While rattling usually calls for a quick decision and response to harvest an animal, stand hunting can allow the hunter more time to judge the quality of the animal and to take a shot.

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